Begin to Code with JavaScript

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Welcome to the Begin to Code with JavaScript web pages.

This is where I'm going to post any resources that I create for the book.

You can buy the book on Amazon here.


There are videos for some Make Something Happen and Code Analysis sections of the book. You can find them here.

Sample Code

This is the sample code for all the chapters. There are references to the examples in each chapter. Open the link to see the web page containing the example program. The games in Chapter 12 are quite fun, although you will need a device with a keyboard to play them properly.

The book contains complete instructions for getting your own copy of the sample code using the GitHub system. The instructions start on page 16.

If you just want to copy the files onto your computer you can find a zip archive here.

Draft Podcast

I recorded a podcast for the first six draft cchapters. You can find it here:


If you have any comments (constructive is best) you can mail me at comments.

Rob Miles